Settlers fence off, plant plot of land west of Salfit

Israeli settlers today fenced off and planted a Palestinian plot of land in Kafr Ad-Dik town, west of Salfit, according to the landowner.

Ahmad Younes said that a large group of settlers, under military protection, intruded upon his plot of 8-donum plot of land, west of the town, fenced off four donums and planted them with trees as a prelude to seize it.

The intruders installed signs warning people, including the landowner, from accessing the land.

In 2019, Younes was handed an order to stop the construction of a rainwater-collection well in the plot.

Over 700,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The number of settlers has almost tripled since the Oslo Accords of 1993, when settlers’ number estimated 252,000. Illegal colonial settlements have leapt from 144 to 515 in that time.

Israel’s nation-state law that passed last July stated that building and strengthening settlements as a “national interest.”

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency