Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The director of the branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Hajjah Allan Fadael was briefed on Monday on the flood damage in the camps for displaced people in Abs district.

Fadael, the head of the Red Crescent Society branch, Dr. Ahmed Nassar, and the representative of the Promotional Council, Anwar Daho, who is displaced, listened to an explanation of the damage in Al Melh camps and Mahrash in the district of Qutba.

Allan Fadael explained that the number of families affected by the floods in Abs district and the rest of the districts, during the past four days, exceeded 10,673 families, between total and partial damage, including 39 families in need of urgent intervention to transfer from the torrential streams.

He called on humanitarian partners to carry out their duty towards those affected by the floods in the camps for displaced people in Abs district, and the rest of the governorate’s directorates.

In turn, the President of the Red Crescent Societ
y, Nassar, and the representative of the Norwegian Council, confirmed that they will make urgent interventions, in the coming days, to alleviate part of the suffering of those affected.

Source: Yemen News Agency