Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Scientific lectures on Tuesday in Sana’a stressed the importance of using modern methods and technology in beekeeping, improving the quality of honey, and paying attention to developing it as a strategic crop to support the national economy.

A scientific lecture entitled “Woodcutting … Dangers and Harms on Bees and Beekeepers”, presented by the Director of the Natural Forests Department, Dr. Omar Jazim, on the sidelines of the activities of the National Festival of Yemeni Honey and Bee Products “Season Three”, pointing out that the overlogging of trees and bee pastures is one of the most prominent obstacles facing the development of the bee sector in the country.

He called for creating community awareness to reduce this problem, which has grown in recent years, pointing out that the decrease in vegetation cover, and its decline to significant levels, threatens livestock pastures in general, and bee pastures in particular, as well as the deterioration of agricultural soil, and its erosion due to torrential
rains and winds.

He urged afforestation campaigns to boost vegetation and preserve perennial trees, which are difficult to replace for generations.

The scientific activities of the festival included a lecture entitled “Challenges Faced by the Beekeeping and Honey Production Sector in Yemen” presented by the Director of Livestock Development at the Ministry of Agriculture, Eng. Abdulaziz Al-Junaid.

He pointed out that severe drought and climate change have exacerbated the food security crisis, land degradation, and consequently decreasing vegetation cover and bee pastures in the country.

It presented a working paper on the Yemen Standardization, Metrology, and Quality Control Organization on the importance of the Yemeni conformity mark for honey, stressing the importance of obtaining the conformity mark in a way that enhances the quality of Yemeni honey and maintains its reputation, which is known and distinguished by it.

The activities also included a lecture by the young beekeeper Moataz Zeid, in which
he reviewed the methods of extracting bee venom, its importance, and therapeutic benefits, indicating the importance of modern technologies in developing the productivity and quality of honey and enhancing its competitiveness locally and abroad.

The National Festival of Yemeni Honey and Bee Products “Third Season”, organized by the Honey Unit of the Higher Agricultural and Fisheries Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation with a community contribution, includes scientific and cultural sessions and lectures managed by experts, researchers, and specialists in the field of honey production.

Source: Yemen News Agency