Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

The Saudi Theater and Performing Arts Commission announced Wednesday that it will host the 14th GCC Theater Festival in Riyadh, over eight days from Sep. 10 to 17, in a theatrical cultural gathering of artists and creators from the GCC, hosted by Saudi Arabia for the first time.

The commission said in a statement that the festival will feature a number of theatrical performances performed by artists from various GCC countries, in addition to a variety of cultural and artistic events, which form a basis for knowledge, exchange of experiences and intellectual dialogue to advance the theatrical movement between the GCC countries, in addition to presenting GCC theatrical performances, seminars and workshops.

It noted that the festival seeks to enrich the GCC theatrical movement, strengthen artistic and cultural ties and partnerships between GCC theater artists, besides creating a platform for cultural and artistic exchange to support and enable GCC theater artists to present their new works by presenting one th
eatrical performance for each country.

The festival concludes with a ceremony honoring the participating teams and countries.

The GCC Theatre Festival is held every two years, hosted periodically by the GCC countries. It is an opportunity for participating theatre groups to interact and exchange theatrical discussions and dialogues among themselves, in addition to shedding light on GCC talents specialized in writing, directing, acting and technical cadres, and introducing them.

Source: Qatar News Agency