Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation on Tuesday organized a press conference to unveil the significant repercussions and losses inflicted on Yemen’s agricultural sector due to sabotage activities by the American spy network and systematic targeting over recent years.

Dr. Radwan Al-Rubai, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Vice Chairman of the Supreme Agricultural and Fisheries Committee, delivered a statement confirming that the targeting of Yemen’s agricultural sector has severely affected policies, strategies, programs, and projects implemented over decades. This malicious targeting has resulted in decreased production, increased costs, losses, and wastage, while diminishing economic returns for local products. Additionally, it has disrupted the trade balance between imports, exports, and capital flows.

Dr. Al-Rubai highlighted that these espionage activities have exacerbated wealth inequality, concentrating economic benefits among a few regime-affiliated individuals and their associates. He emphasi
zed the enemy’s efforts to enable regime insiders to dominate major import and distribution companies, amass wealth, and secure loyalties.

The conference, attended by Dhaif Allah Shamlan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture for Agricultural Services, and Samir Al-Hanani, Agricultural Production Development Engineer, underscored the comprehensive targeting of Yemen’s local agricultural production throughout various stages of production and marketing by American forces. Dr. Al-Rubai lamented the absence of protective economic programs to shield the national economy from such destructive practices.

He concluded by noting the decline in the agricultural sector’s contribution to Yemen’s GDP, economic growth rates, and the workforce employed in agriculture due to these targeted measures by the American enemy.”

He highlighted the systematic impact on the agricultural sector, noting that the economic reform program implemented from 1994 to 1999 saw a decrease in the sector’s contribution to GDP from 22.5
% (1990-1994) to 18% and further to 13.8% (2000-2004). This decline in GDP share coincided with reduced economic growth rates, increased production costs, lowered productivity, and a shrinking agricultural workforce from 59% (1990-1994) to 46% (1995-2004).

Furthermore, the statement detailed a shift in crop cultivation, with the area planted with grains dropping from 70% (1984-1994) to 57% (1995-2005), and specifically noted a decrease in grain cultivation area from an average of 806,836 hectares (1984-1994) to 666,477 hectares (1995-2005). Production quantities also saw a significant decline of 17.4%, and growth rates for grain crops plummeted from 11.8% to -3.1%.

The Ministry of Agriculture squarely blamed the US administration and its intelligence for the hardships and losses suffered by Yemeni farmers, with plans to explore legal action in international courts to seek compensation for damages caused by the targeted actions.

The Ministry of Agriculture emphasized its commitment to preventing further inf
iltration and vowed to purge the agricultural sector of agents and spies. It called upon the media, activists, and the Yemeni populace to support the leadership and relevant authorities in thwarting enemy schemes.

Furthermore, the Ministry extended gratitude to security agencies and the Security and Intelligence Service for their significant efforts and achievements in uncovering the American-Israeli spy network and revealing American plans.

Source: Yemen News Agency