Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

A meeting held in Sana’a, which included the Executive Director of the General Corporation for Grain Development and Production, Yahya Al-Sayani, and the Dean of the College of Agriculture at Sana’a University, Dr. Adel Al-Wishali, discussed aspects of joint cooperation to develop grain agriculture and productivity.

The meeting, in the presence of the Director of the Germplasm Center at the College of Agriculture, Dr. Muhammad Al-Assoudi, and the Deputy Executive Director of the Grains Foundation, Engineer Salah Al-Mashriqi, touched on the coordination mechanism for holding the first national conference on grains and legumes, which the Foundation will implement during the year 2024, in addition to reviewing joint programs and activities.

In the meeting, Al-Sayyani stressed the Foundation’s keenness to coordinate with the college to support agricultural programs and activities according to priority and need, and in proportion to the available capabilities, and everything that would develop the cultivation a
nd productivity of grain and legume crops.

For his part, Dr. Al-Wishali pointed out the importance of integrating roles and cooperation between the college and the institution to benefit from the available technologies and capabilities to serve aspects of agricultural development, improve grain productivity, and thus contribute to providing food security.

The Foundation’s Executive Director listened to an explanation from the Center’s Director about the Center’s preservation of sorghum genotypes, dozens of local wheat varieties, most of which are not available to farmers, and many local wheat varieties, which the Center has improved.

Yahya Al-Sayani and his deputy, Al-Mashriqi, also visited the fields belonging to the Germplasm Center, which the Center is renovating.

They were accompanied by the Director of Community Development at the Grain Foundation, Engineer Muhammad Hamid.
Source: Yemen News Agency