Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Preacher and Friday imam of the Kufa Mosque of the Sadrist movement, Muhammad al-Wahaili, criticized: “The absolute silence in the face of the genocide that our people in Gaza are being subjected to at the hands of the brutal machine of the Zionist entity.”

Al-Wahaili said in the Friday prayer sermon: “The Messenger of God (PBUH) teaches us that a Muslim must feel connected to his Muslim brothers everywhere in the world, so he feels pain for their pain, rejoices for their joy, and does what he can to relieve their distress.”

He added: “Among the manifestations of concern for the affairs of Muslims is feeling for them, caring about their issues, and striving to support their weak and oppressed people. As for not caring while we hear the cries of the oppressed, and see what they suffer from in terms of violation of sanctities, and what they find in terms of committing massacres against them and displacing them, then that has nothing to do with Islam.” The Friday preacher of the Great Mosque of Kufa point
ed out that: ‘This helpless scene was met with America’s move to help the Zionist aggression, deliver weapons and military equipment, and the cooperation of most Western countries, despite the fact that Gaza, its people, and its resistance are paying the price of defending the sanctities of Muslims,’ stressing: ‘Muslims today are in dire need of unifying the word, unifying opinion, and staying away from spreading rumors and lies and what leads to destruction and division; because that paralyzes the movement of society, weakens the structure, and weakens the power; due to what it is going through.’ The Islamic and Arab nation is in a difficult situation, facing aggression from every side and place, and with brutal military, economic and intellectual methods.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency