Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Sa’ada Governor Muhammad Jaber Awad inspected on Tuesd the work progress on the province’s new electricity station project.

He listened to an explanation from the director of electricity in the Sa’ada region, Ahmed Faye, and those in charge of the project, about the installation work of the station project, which consists of generators and fuel tanks, benefiting eight thousand citizens, owners of shops, workshops, cold stores, and water wells.

Governor Awad, accompanied by the governor’s agent, Muhammad Al-Baadani, toured the various sections of the station, the stages and steps of its preparation, its generating capacity, and the most important needs and requirements for completing the implementation of the project, which will improve the production of electrical energy for the province’s center and its suburbs.

Sa’ada Governor stressed his keenness to complete the project to obtain a high production of electrical energy from the station with its new generators.

Governor Awad indicated that the leadershi
p of the local authority in the province will work in cooperation with the Electricity Office on everything that would improve the station’s performance level , provide the needs and supplies to run its work. He expressed his thanks to the workers in the new station project , the Electricity Office , their role in serving the province and providing electrical energy service on an ongoing basis.

He pointed out that Sa’ada province was a military target for the American, Saudi, and Emirati aggression coalition, which over the past years targeted the province’s infrastructure, especially the electricity station, and put it completely out of service.

Source: Yemen News Agency