Russian MoD: Ukrainian forces’ losses exceed 1,700 soldiers in 24 hours

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced today, Saturday, that the losses of the Ukrainian army during the fighting operations on various axes amounted to more than 1,700 soldiers, during the past 24 hours.

The statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the units of the “North” forces group, on the / Lipetsovsk and Volchansk / axes, were able to destroy a number of armored vehicles and Ukrainian military vehicles, adding that the Ukrainian forces suffered losses of about 110 soldiers.

The statement added that the forces of the “West” group were able to repel two counterattacks by offensive groups affiliated with the Ukrainian forces, and the losses of the Ukrainian army amounted to about 465 soldiers, in addition to a tank, two armored combat vehicles, ten cars, a number of cannons, and the destruction of three ammunition depots.

It explained that units of the Russian “South” group repelled two counterattacks by Ukrainian forces, and the Ukrainian army lost about 640 soldiers, in addition to
combat vehicles and six ammunition depots. The Russian Defense Ministry statement indicated that units of the “Center” group forces made progress deep into the Ukrainian defenses, and seven attacks by Ukrainian forces were repelled, and their losses amounted to about 490 soldiers and eight vehicles.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency