Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The branch of the General Authority for Rural Water Projects in Dhamar province received on Tuesday four drinking water projects in Wassab Alali and Wasab Al-Safeel districts, implemented by the ACTED organization, at a cost of 227 thousand and 500 dollars, in coordination with the branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the province.

The projects, implemented in coordination with the branch of the General Authority for Rural Water Projects and the branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the province, include the rehabilitation of Bani Shneef water projects, a rainwater harvesting tank in Naba village in Ajbar district, Kashif rainwater harvesting tank in Bani Al-Haddad district in Wassab Alali district, and the Mashrafah water project in Wassab Al-Safeel district.

The project officer, Engineer Fares Al-Shaddadi, explained that the projects were implemented within the project “Comprehensive Emergency Re
sponse in Communities Affected by Displacement, Health and Natural Disasters through interventions in the water and environmental sanitation, shelter, camp support, coordination and management sectors.”

He pointed out that the project activities include rehabilitating hand wells, constructing waterways, filters, supplying, installing and operating water pumping systems, installing solar-powered systems, constructing pumping rooms and lines, collecting tanks, distribution points and liquefaction lines, supplying maintenance kits and training for project management and operation committees, in addition to supplying integrated chlorination kits for the projects.

Source: Yemen News Agency