Mon. Sep 16th, 2024


The General Corporation for Roads and Bridges branch organized a cultural evening to commemorate Prophet Muhammad’s birthday (PBUH).

During the evening, the Directors Board Chairman of the Corporation, Engineer Abdulrahman Al-Hadhrami, referred to the greatness of this occasion, which is celebrated by millions of Yemenis as an expression of love, pride and loyalty to the Prophet (PBUH).

The head of the General Corporation for Roads pointed out that the weakness and regression the nation is witnessing at all levels is the result of its distance from its prophet and the guidance and insight he came with, which represents a life constitution for the nation.

In the evening, which was attended by the Foundation’s Director of Projects, Engineer Sadiq Al-Jarbani, and the Director of the Foundation’s Al-Hodeida branch, Engineer Ibrahim Sharafuddin, Abdulrahman Al-Warfi pointed to the importance of a sincere return to the Prophet’s life to draw lessons from his life full of great positions of fait
h and jihad.

He emphasized that following the Muhammadan approach is the real guarantee of restoring the nation to its former glory before its enemies succeeded in penetrating it and separating it from the its prophet path.

Source: Yemen News Agency