Sun. Sep 15th, 2024


The Rural Water Projects Authority branch in Dhamar Director , Engineer Mohammed Al-Qusi, and a team from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) were briefed on the growing humanitarian needs in Wasab Al-Safeel district in Dhamar province, especially with regard to water and environmental sanitation, following the recent floods in large areas of the district.

During the visit, Engineer Al-Qusi reviewed the urgent humanitarian needs of the directorate in the water and environmental sanitation field, especially after the torrential rains that witnessed large areas of the directorate, which caused the destruction of manual wells and damaged many water sources.

He appreciated UNICEF’s efforts in supporting water and environmental sanitation projects, noting that the visit comes as part of the organization’s efforts to assess the humanitarian situation in communities floods affected.

For his part, Ibrahim Al-Marouni, Monitoring and Evaluation Director at the SCMCHA branch in Dhamar, emphas
ized the importance of concerted efforts to secure the people’s needs of the region for services, especially in fragile communities that require many interventions in various sectors.

The UNICEF team, which included the Water and Environmental Sanitation Specialist at UNICEF’s Sana’a office, Mohammed Al-Hubaishi, the organization’s Water and Sanitation Officer, Saad Al-Saadi, and Water and Humanitarian Needs Assistant, Fawaz Al-Taj, were briefed on the needs of Jarban, Kabba Salman, Bani Sawada, Mashrafeh Market, and IDP camps in the area.

They heard from community representatives about the challenges and humanitarian needs for clean drinking water, and the effects that families, especially children, endure when fetching water.

Khaled Zakheim, a representative from the Jarban area, emphasized that children bear part of the burden of fetching water from distant places, a task that takes long hours every day, which increases their dropout rates and deprives them of opportunities to learn and grow.

Yemen News Agency