Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Ramallah – Ma’an – The lawyer of the Prisoners’ Affairs Commission said that the administration of the “Rimmonim” prison imposes retaliatory punishments against the detainees.

The Authority’s lawyer explained, quoting the detainee Mazen Al-Qadi (44 years old) from the city of Al-Bireh, who was sentenced to three life sentences and (25 years), that the prison administration deals brutally with the detainees in solitary confinement, as it forces them to sit on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs and their faces towards the wall, during the count.

He pointed out that the amount of food provided to them was very small, bad and devoid of sugar, which caused him to lose about 25 kg of his weight.

The prisoner Al-Qadi explained that each prisoner has only two changes of clothes, is allowed to shower for a quarter of an hour, is given a small amount of bath soap, and is allowed to go out for a break for one hour a day.

He explained that the prison administration is conducting transfers among the
detainees, during which it storms the cells suddenly, fires sound bombs and pepper gas, and assaults them.

The judge pointed out that he was subjected to a brutal assault in Megiddo Prison at the end of last October, which resulted in a wound to his head and damage to the nerve in two fingers of his right hand, and he needs treatment.

Source: Maan News Agency