Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The Ministry of Education held on Wednesday a press conference to announce the results of the admission and competitive tests for outstanding schools in the capital Sana’a for the academic year 1446.

During the conference, Dr. Mohammed al Qasimi, Director of Gamal Abdelnasser High School for Outstanding Students, explained that a total of 1,741 students applied to compete for 200 seats at Abdulnasser High School for Outstanding Students.

Of these, 1,658 students attended the test, while 83 students were absent. Additionally, 281 students competed for 100 seats at al -Shaheed al-Sammad High School for Outstanding Students, with 248 female students attending and 33 being absent.

Dr. Al Qasimi summarized the procedural steps for admission and competitive, mentioning that a committee comprising members from the Ministry, the Education Office, and the school administration supervised the entire admission process, from registration to the announcement of results.

Undersecretary for the Education Sector, Abdulla
h al-Naami, emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to ensuring the credibility and transparency of the tests to guarantee the admission of outstanding students, whom he referred to as the true wealth of the nation.

Al-Naami also discussed efforts to expand the absorption of outstanding students by allocating a special section for them in schools and applying the standards and procedures of schools for outstanding students.

Source: Yemen News Agency