Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

TULKARM: Reports coming from Nour Shams camp in the occupied West Bank province of Tulkarm indicate that several Palestinians were shot dead this afternoon by Israeli occupation forces.

WAFA correspondent, citing local sources within the camp, reported that a special Israeli military unit raided a civilian’s house in Al-Ayadeh neighborhood in the camp, where they reportedly assassinated four young men who were taking refuge inside.

Until the moment, the identity of the four individuals killed has not been confirmed due to the fact that their dead bodies are currently in the possession of the Israeli occupation army, which also prevented ambulances and medical teams from entering and reaching them.

Meantime, the occupation forces persist in imposing a strict siege on Nour Shams camp, preventing ambulance crews from reaching the injured.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that one of its team members, volunteer medic Hamza Al-Jitawi, was injured by live ammunition in the foot while working at a first aid
point inside the camp. Another young man was also injured in the foot.

Furthermore, the Red Crescent received reports from inside the camp, including a case of illness for an elderly person who passed away this morning due to delays in reaching the hospital. The individual remains inside the camp up to now.

Earlier today, the young man Salim Faisal Ghanem, 30, was killed by Israeli troops in the camp. He is the brother of the Amer and Ahmed Ghanem, who were killed by the Israeli occupation army in a raid of the camp in October 2023.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA