Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A meeting in Dhamar Governorate, chaired by Governor Mohamed Nasser Al-Bukhaiti, discussed the priorities of the water projects that will be implemented within the plans of the third phase of the Pilot Program Partnership (P.P.P) project implemented by the Yemen Red Crescent Society with funding from the European Union for Humanitarian Aid and the German Red Cross.

During the meeting, Governor Al-Bukhaiti stressed the importance of expanding the implementation of projects that meet urgent needs, especially in neighborhoods that have not been reached by water and sewage extensions, and expanding the implementation of networks consistent with the expansion plans of the Water Corporation and its future projects.

He valued the efforts made by the Yemen Red Crescent Society and the supporting parties in adopting water projects. He called for expanding the implementation of more projects required by the Water Corporation.

The meeting, which included the Director of the Local Water and Sanitation Corporation Moha
med Al-Kahlani, the Director of the branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Dhamar, Eng. Munir Al-Maruni, the Secretary-General of the Yemen Red Crescent Society in Dhamar, Dr. Ahmed Al-Dailami, the Executive Director of the Society, Bashir Al-Khaiwani, the Director of the Programmatic Program of the Pilot Company (P.P.P), Eng. Faris Al-Naqib, and the Engineering Director of the project, Eng. Rami Jamil Makhshaf, reviewed the projects implemented during the second phase of the project, including the project to connect the rural water network to the Haran area in Dhamar city. And the projects that will be implemented during the coming period within the third phase of the project.

The meeting stressed the importance of concerted efforts to implement priority projects that contribute positively to meeting the community’s water needs.

Source: Yemen News Agency