Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Real Estate Regulatory Authority hosted the first forum for real estate developers, which aims to enhance coordination between the authority and real estate developers as partners in organizing and stimulating the real estate sector in the country, and contributing to its advancement.

In his speech during the opening of the forum, Chairman of the Real Estate Regulatory Authority Eng. Khalid bin Ahmed Al Obaidli stressed that the forum comes to achieve the desired integration between the governance and regulation of the real estate sector on the one hand and address all the challenges facing the sector on the other hand to create and develop a vital and attractive sector that is characterized by trust and transparency. He pointed out that the forum will be held periodically for continuous coordination with real estate developers to achieve the Qatar National Vision 2030 in developing the real estate system.

He praised the great role that real estate development companies play in stimulating many sectors
of the economy through the group of important real estate projects that they have implemented and are implementing. He emphasized the state’s directions regarding enhancing real estate investment opportunities and the authority’s work with all partners in the government to study the challenges facing the sector and work to address them.

For his part, director of licensing affairs at the Real Estate Regulatory Authority Eng. Mubarak Al Nuaimi reviewed a group of the most important initiatives that the authority is working to implement, such as establishing the Licensing Committee and activating the Real Estate Development Dispute Resolution Committee, in addition to other initiatives that come within the framework of the authority’s endeavor to activate and develop legislation and laws that contribute to the advancement of the real estate sector. He pointed out that the authority also works to strengthen the partnership between the public and private sectors to produce fruitful results that serve Qatar’s real
estate sector and line with the third national development strategy (2024-2030).

In this regard, he pointed out that the authority has developed a real estate platform that is concerned with collecting, updating, and analyzing data, information, and statistics related to organizing and stimulating the real estate sector in the country. He noted that the second real estate forum will be organized next October, with the participation of experts and actors in the real estate sector at the local and international levels.

Source: Qatar News Agency