Qatar welcomes French President’s call to stop delivering weapons to Zionist entity to fight in Gaza

The State of Qatar welcomed the call of French President Emmanuel Macron to stop delivering weapons to the Zionist entity to fight in Gaza, and considered it an important and appreciated step towards stopping the war.

The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed, in a statement, that the French call is consistent with the resolutions of the Security Council, the General Assembly of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice, calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Strip, providing full protection for civilians and civilian institutions, and ensuring the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza without obstacles.

In this context, the ministry renewed its call to the international community to take firm decisions to compel the Zionist entity to stop its aggression on Gaza and Lebanon, which has expanded and has become an imminent threat to regional and international security.

The ministry stressed the State of Qatar’s firm and permanent position in supporting the Palestinian cause and the steadf
astness of the brotherly Palestinian people, based on international legitimacy resolutions, ensuring the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Quds as its capital.

French President Emmanuel Macron called for stopping the delivery of weapons to the Zionist entity to fight in Gaza, considering that the priority is a political solution rather than continuing the war.

Macron said in statements broadcast by France Inter radio yesterday, Saturday: “I believe that the priority today is to return to a political solution, and to stop delivering weapons to fight in Gaza,” stressing that his country does not supply the “Zionist entity” with weapons.

The French President expressed his regret that the situation in Gaza has not changed, despite all diplomatic efforts made to reach a ceasefire with the Zionist occupation.

Macron pointed out that “the priority is to avoid escalation,” stressing that “the Lebanese people cannot be sacrificed either, and Lebanon cannot become a ne
w Gaza.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency