Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Hodeida Governor , Muhammad Qahim, and the First Undersecretary of the Province, Ahmed Al-Bishri, inspected the workflow and smooth activity in Hodeida port , which was targeted by the Israeli aggression last Saturday with a number of airstrikes.

Together with the Chairman of the Red Sea Ports Corporation, Zaid Al-Washli, and his deputy, Nasr Al-Nusairi, they reviewed the operational process of the port , its facilities, the extent of the smooth performance accompanying the movement of ships entering and unloading goods.

They also reviewed, along with the Director General of the Environmental Protection Authority branch in the Province, Abdul Qadir Yaghanam, the Dean of the College of Marine Sciences, Dr. Arif Al-Saghir, and the environmental team, the effects of the raids left by the aggression’s bombing and the efforts to remove waste from a number of port docks.

During the visit, Qahim and Al-Bishri praised the efforts of the Red Sea Ports Corporation and its role in avoiding the effects of the Zionist
aggression and resuming work activity at the port within 24 hours following the raids it was subjected to.

They stressed the keenness of the local authority in the peovince to support the Corporation’s efforts and to work to take all measures and remedies to ensure the continuity of Hodeida Port work and to enhance its service activity to meet the interests of the Yemeni people.

During the visit, Qahim and Al-Bishri praised the efforts of the Red Sea Ports Corporation and its role in avoiding the effects of the Zionist aggression and resuming work activity at the port within 24 hours following the airstrikes it was subjected to.

They stressed the keenness of the local authority in the province to support the Corporation’s efforts and to work to take all measures and remedies to ensure the continuity of the Hodeida Port work and to enhance its service activity to meet the interests of the Yemeni people.

Source: Yemen News Agency