Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The fifth course of the training program “Mechanization of the work of the Public Prosecution and Computerization of its data through the Criminal Procedures System” concluded in Sana’a on Thursday.

The course organized by the Training and Rehabilitation Department of the Attorney General’s Office in cooperation with the Higher Institute of the Judiciary.

Head of the Training and Rehabilitation Department of the Attorney General’s Office Dr. Khaled al-Jamra explained that the course, which lasted four days, targeted 25 heads of pens in all prosecution offices in Hodeida province , as well as some prosecution offices in the provinces of “Amran, Sana’a and Dhamar”.

He pointed out that the program aims to enable heads of criminal pens to carry out their tasks and work electronically via a computer enhanced by networking for all prosecution offices, as well as via smart devices enhanced with artificial intelligence technology, by supervising the processes of recording and registering case data and procedures,
and sending notes and instructions to data entry personnel; To correct registration and recording movements.

Al-Jamra added that the program also aims to facilitate the submission of performance reports to the deputy or head of the prosecution, as appropriate, as well as extracting and displaying statistical reports in various tables and indicators that help develop strategic plans to reduce crime and prevent perpetrators from escaping punishment.

He stated that the session witnessed the preparation for the implementation of the judicial archiving program, which is planned to be implemented within the upcoming digital projects of the Public Prosecution, by training heads of departments on the use of modern technical tools, with which archiving operations will be implemented electronically for all case files in the prosecution offices, as well as data on seized and seized items.

Dr. al-Jamra appreciated the interest and support of the Attorney General, Judge Dr. Mohammed al-Dailami, for the rehabilitation a
nd qualitative training programs, and all development and modernization programs and works in the Public Prosecution; as it would accelerate the completion of cases and bring justice closer to citizens.

He pointed out that mechanisms are currently being developed to prepare and implement the Public Prosecution strategy project for digital transformation within ambitious modernization and development operations that are being implemented according to the paths of the national strategy for transformation.

Source: Yemen News Agency