Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The branch of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs in Al-Hodeida Province distributed shelter aid and emergency response bags to a number of families affected by floods in the province.

The aid targeted 387 affected families in the districts of Al Zahra, Al Hawak, Zabid and Bajil as part of the emergency response campaign to alleviate the citizens’ suffering whose houses and properties were destroyed by floods and heavy rains.

The director of the council’s branch in the Province, Jaber Al-Razihi, explained that the aid targeted 120 families with shelter materials in Al-Zahra Directorate with the support of Qatar Red Crescent Society, and 100 families with food baskets in Al-Hawak Directorate with the support of the Mubaderon Foundation.

Al-Razihi pointed out that 32 emergency response bags were distributed to those affected by the floods in Zabid Directorate, as well as 135 bags to those affected in Bajil Directorate with the support of the Roya Amal Organization, stressing the continuation of rel
ief efforts in coordination with humanitarian organizations and institutions.

Source: Yemen News Agency