Prime Minister Underscores Development Priorities During Karak Cabinet Session

Prime Minister Jafar Hassan stated that holding Cabinet sessions in various governorates is key to solidifying each region’s development vision for the coming years and prioritizing work and achievements in coordination with local councils and civil bodies.

During the first Cabinet session held in Karak Governorate on Tuesday, Hassan highlighted the government’s identification of delayed yet critical projects that require swift action. He noted that these projects will be prioritized in the short term, with specific budget allocations and further discussions on funding sources, such as grants.

Hassan emphasized the vital role of local councils and civil bodies in the decision-making process, recognizing their proximity to the community. He stressed the importance of continuous dialogue to align local and governmental efforts, adding, “Our role is to work together to integrate your contributions with the government’s responsibilities.”

The Prime Minister also reiterated the government’s commitment to review
ing legislation related to local administration over the next year, as outlined in its response to the Royal letter of assignment, and based on recommendations from the Political Modernization Committee. This review aims to empower local councils to manage resources more effectively.

Hassan reaffirmed his ongoing field visits, as well as those of other ministers, stating that such visits are not exceptional but part of their official duties. He explained that feedback from citizens during these tours, whether in schools, hospitals, or production facilities, is crucial, and issues identified are addressed promptly within feasible limits.

“Our national resilience politically, economically, and socially is essential to shaping our future, and the government is working tirelessly to strengthen it,” Hassan said, emphasizing that Jordan’s security, stability, and prosperity remain the nation’s ultimate goals.

He acknowledged the regional challenges but insisted that they must not excuse lapses in performance, in
stead calling for increased efforts. “Our national unity is strengthened by our commitment to the country, support for our leadership, and a realistic understanding of challenges and opportunities. This ensures that Jordan remains strong and a steadfast ally to our Palestinian and Arab brothers.”

Ministers then presented Karak Governorate’s development vision, outlining current and upcoming projects aimed at improving service delivery across various sectors.

The projects include the establishment of health centers, a clinic building at Karak Governmental Hospital, an ambulance and emergency center in northern Karak, school construction and maintenance, and enhancements to water and sewage networks.

Additionally, the projects feature road and bridge construction, agricultural and food processing initiatives, increased green spaces, and plans for a sports city and youth centers. Social services projects include a center for family training, integrated day services, housing for low-income families, and touris
m initiatives to elevate Karak’s status on the national tourism map.

The ministers also discussed the launch of a comprehensive government services center in early 2025, as well as municipal and environmental improvements, and incentives for investment in Karak’s industrial city, which aims to create job opportunities for local youth.

Representatives from Karak, including municipal officials, the provincial council head, and civil society members, shared their key demands and concerns during the session. They praised the Cabinet for convening in Karak to directly address citizens’ needs.

Among the key demands were the completion of stalled projects, such as the sports city and tourism initiatives, and the second phase of the Kathraba-Aghwar road project. They also called for the establishment of a teaching hospital for Mu’tah University, debt relief for the university, and modern buses for medical students commuting to Amman.

The representatives further requested increased incentives for investors in Al H
ussein Bin Abdullah II Industrial City to attract new investments and create jobs. Additionally, they called for enhanced staffing and equipment for Karak Governmental Hospital and Ghor al-Safi Hospital, as well as the creation of a cancer treatment center serving the southern governorates.

In response to these demands, Minister of Public Works and Housing Maher Abu Saman confirmed that a 300-meter road for the Karak travel complex would be constructed, as per a ministry study.

Minister of Local Administration Walid Masry stated that part of the contractors’ dues in municipalities would be paid by the end of the year and noted that a road between the old and new sports cities would be completed in early 2024.

The Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs Muhammad Khalayleh announced the development of the Mu’tah Battle Site Project, with land expropriation underway, as well as the allocation of land for expanding the Islamic cemetery.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Saleh Kharabsheh confirmed th
e completion of energy-saving lighting projects in all municipalities by 2025 and mentioned key mining sector projects under study.

Minister of Water and Irrigation Raed Abu Saud pledged that farmers’ dues in the southern Jordan Valley would be paid in installments and announced plans to dig a new well to improve water supply.

Minister of Higher Education Azmi Mahafzah addressed concerns about reducing the number of medical students, noting the risk of future unemployment among doctors and the limited capacity for internship programs in hospitals.

Minister of Transport Wissam Tahtamouni said that the Land Transport Authority is working to operate the Karak Travel Complex in partnership with bus owners and announced that tracking devices have been installed on tankers in the Jordan Valley region to monitor their operations.

Minister of Social Development Wafa Bani Mustafa highlighted the opening of two social service centers in Karak, aimed at providing support to local communities. She also announced that
the Karak Tourism Gateway project is nearing completion and is expected to be delivered by the end of the year.

Minister of Agriculture Khaled Hunaifat emphasized efforts to add value to the agricultural sector by creating jobs and establishing factories in key locations, including the Jordan Valley and Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II Industrial City. He confirmed that the agricultural complex in the Jordan Valley would be upgraded to an industrial city, attracting more investment and raising the number of factories in the region.

Minister of Health Firas Hawari stated that the emergency and ambulance center to be built in northern Karak will function as a small hospital, offering essential services to the public.

Addressing the need for a cardiac imaging technician at Ghor al-Safi Hospital, Hawari noted that a technician has already been trained at Prince Hamzah Hospital in Amman, with plans to train additional staff for the same role.

The Minister of Youth reported that the first phase of Prince Faisal Sport
s City is under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of next year.

He also pointed out that the road linking Prince Faisal Complex to the sports city will be expanded, in collaboration with the Ministries of Local Administration and Public Works and Housing.

Prime Minister Hassan began his visit to Karak by meeting with investors in Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II Industrial City, where he reiterated the government’s commitment to supporting existing investments and creating a conducive environment for attracting local and foreign investments. This, he noted, is a cornerstone of the country’s Economic Modernization Vision.

Source: Jordan News Agency