Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

RAMALLAH: Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa today received a phone call from Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, during which they both discussed the importance of stopping the Israeli aggression against Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

They both further affirmed the necessity of accelerating the flow of aid to the Strip, rejecting forced displacement, and stopping the attacks of the occupation and colonizers in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem.

Primer Mustafa stressed the need to implement and bind Israel to the recent Security Council ceasefire resolution, and to ensure the arrival of humanitarian and relief aid to meet the emergency needs of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Primer warned that any ground operation in Rafah would produce disastrous results, especially in light of the presence of approximately 1.5 million displaced persons.

Primer Mustafa called for the need to stop colonial expansion in the West Bank, which is in a flagrant violation of international law, undermines the
chances of peace, and threatens the two-state solution.

For her part, Kamikawa expressed Japan’s firm and continuous support for peace in the region and the importance of achieving a two-state solution.

Kamikawa pointed out that her country had resumed financing and supporting the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), to confront the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, noting that approximately 35 million dollars in funding Originally scheduled ready for disbursement.

Kamikawa congratulated Mustafa on forming the new government and assuming his duties as a Prime Minister, stressing the importance of continuing coordination and enhancing the horizon of joint cooperation between the two countries at all levels.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA