President Al-Mashat: If the enemy continues to be stubborn, then it is missing out on opportunities. What is offered to it today will not be obtained tomorrow

His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council – Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, affirmed that if the enemy continues in its stubbornness, it is missing opportunities, and what is offered to it today will not be obtained tomorrow.

President Al-Mashat indicated, in his speech while attending today the solemn military parade of qualitative units of the reserve forces of the fourth military region in Ibb province, that the enemy knows how much it has lost and how much it will lose. A goldsmith would be swallowed up by any power on this earth.”

He also stressed that the specific weapons that will enter the next battle, which will be revealed in the coming days, will force the enemy to stop its plots, God willing.

President Al-Mashat offered the great Yemeni people masses and the people of the province of the Fourth Military Region a great deal of peace and blessings on Eid al-Adha. He said: “We see in all the provinces the important role and the legendary steadfastness of the great army, which is based on the steadfastness of the people of the society. You, sons of Madhij and Himyar, were and will remain. You have an immortal and prominent role in supporting the army on all fronts of the 4th Military Region.”

He pointed out that the Yemeni society has become well aware of the enemies’ plots and is immune to awareness, pointing out that “enemies’ plots unfold every day and appear from time to time.”

President Al-Mashat reaffirmed the continuation of steadfastness at the same pace, morale, and spirit of responsibility until achieving freedom and independence for decision-making and full sovereignty for Yemen without tutelage.”

He pointed out that the pure blood that was spilled for the sake of God, and for the sake of the oppressed, must not be forgotten by everyone and strive with all determination and persistence until it bears fruit and its impact touches the people.

He added, “We are in a phase of neither peace nor war, propaganda and soft warfare are perpetrated by the enemy every day, but the awareness of our people and our society is the rock upon which all the conspiracies and hypocrisy of the enemies will be shattered from their war, which ranges from soft to rough. You will hear in the coming days something of propaganda that foretells about the annoyance of the mercenaries when they notice that you are beginning to reap the gains of the victory, which is thanks to God and your steadfastness, loyal men.

President Al-Mashat stated that “all the measures imposed by the enemy aim to multiply the suffering, and it wants to incite society; but we are aware that the cause of our people’s suffering is aggression.” He said: “We and all the free people in the great Yemeni people have refused submission and surrender, and our father is nothing but to live freely, complete independently, and undiminished sovereignty over the entire national territory.”

President Al-Mashat addressed the forces participating in the parade, saying: “Greetings to you, men of men, and thanks to you for continuing the rehabilitation. You are on the path that you established from Dhamar province to Ibb. You were mountains over mountains walking. You were walking with all the eyes of the sons of this people watching you and looking at you with pride.”

He continued: “You were not on the march alone, all the sons of this people and all state institutions were with you, everyone was with you watching you step by step looking at you with pride, because our people know that you are the faithful guards of its gains, and who fulfilled the huge sacrifices that people made in order to achieve their freedom and independence.”

And he said: “Our people look at you with pride because you are the safety valve for this country and the impenetrable bulwark to defend it. By the grace of God, you thwarted all the enemies’ plots and destroyed their pride. With your performance and discipline, you presented a message of peace to those who want peace, before you were a message of war. Discipline in the past period despite the suffering.” It is the greatest evidence of your high responsibility, and he who should fear you and be worried about you is the one who has not stopped conspiring against our country.”

He pointed out that “when the enemy knows the extent of your high readiness in the field , your brothers in the missile force and unmanned aerial vehicles, it will take care of itself, and if it tries to commit any crime, then it will be a disaster.”

The president concluded his speech by saying: “O sons of Madhhij and Himyar, sons of the armed forces in the fourth military region, out of respect for the sacred months, and out of respect for the virtue of pilgrimage to the Great House of God, leave talking about any political points, and be satisfied with what I have said.”

Source: Yemen News Agency