Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

President Mahmoud Abbas said today that the killing of Palestinian prisoner Naser Abu Hmaid, who was declared dead this morning after years of battling with cancer as a result of the continued medical negligence in Israeli jails, is a full-fledged war crime.

During a meeting held this evening at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah to address international actions to confront the racist and colonial practices of the Israeli occupation authorities, in light of the formation of an extremist right-wing government and the killing of Palestinian prisoner Naser Abu Hmaid in Israeli jails, President Abbas said that the life of Abu Hmaid summarizes the protracted reality of injustice inflicted upon the Palestinian people, holding the Israeli government fully responsible for his killing.

The president announced that “we will launch a broad international campaign to put everyone before their legal and historical responsibilities in order to provide protection to the defenseless Palestinian people in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip,” adding that it is unacceptable for the world to continue its silence and turn a blind eye to the Israeli crimes.

Source: Palestine News and information Agency