Presidency: Israel’s ongoing crimes are intended to ignite whole region

The Presidency today warned that the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people are intended to ignite the whole region.

Presidential spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh stated that the Israeli occupation government was attempting to drive the region to the edge of the abyss by continuing its crimes against the Palestinian people, most recently of which was gunning down four men; one near Silwad down, east of Ramallah, and the three others in Jenin refugee camp, in the last 24 hours.

He held the Israeli government fully responsible for this serious and ongoing escalation, which fuels more tension in the region, while pointing that Israel continues to show a total disregard for international law and United Nations resolutions through the daily killings and colonial settlement construction, deemed illegal in all its forms.

Such crimes underline Israel’s blatant disregard for all international obligations, Abu Rudeineh added, while reiterating that this policy of escalation would never bring about security and stability for anyone, and push the region towards the unknown and towards an explosion with so grave and unbearable consequences.

He called on the US administration to break their silence towards such Israeli crimes and to translate their words, if any, into practical action; otherwise, being mute would imply consent to such crimes.

He concluded by affirming that the leadership would take all that is necessary to protect the Palestinian people and safeguard their inalienable rights.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency