Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Amman: The Jordan Post Company announced the release of a new edition of commemorative stamps for the current year, available for purchase by the public and stamp collectors starting Thursday.

In a statement issued Wednesday, the company revealed that the edition is themed “Digital Government Services in Jordan,” reflecting the advancements in information and communications technology and the development of applications in Jordan. The stamps highlight the use of smart agriculture mechanisms, the rise of the electronic gaming industry, and the establishment of government service centers.

For the first time, the edition includes a quick response (QR) code to document technological progress in Jordan. The set consists of four stamps, each valued at 40 piasters, with the complete set priced at JD1.60. Additionally, a first-day cover featuring the stamps is available for JD2.10.

These stamps can be purchased at the stamps department located in the company building in al-Muqablin, next to the radio and televisio
n building, as well as at post offices in Jabal Amman, al-Luweibdeh, downtown, Abdali, Irbid, Madaba, Aqaba, Jerash, Petra, Karak, Ajloun, Salt, Mahes, Fuheis, and the Jerash Visitors Center.

Source: Jordan News Agency