Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The Commander of the Anbar operations of the Popular Mobilization, Qasim Muslih, announced the launch of large-scale military operations today, Sunday, targeting the areas of Al-Jazeera desert north of Al-Qaim district. The name “Muhammad, the Messenger of God (PBUH)” was given to these operations, which aim to clear the region of terrorist groups and restore security and stability to it.

Muslih explained that the Popular Mobilization launched the operation through three main axes, in which brigades (17, 18, 13, 57) participate. This operation targets areas that pose a geographical challenge due to their rugged nature, which contain a number of hideouts used by terrorist groups as safe havens and launching centers to carry out operations against security forces.

Muslih confirmed that there is confirmed intelligence information indicating that these areas are used as side roads, which poses a constant threat to security in the region.

The Popular Mobilization Forces are participating in this operation along
side the Iraqi Army, Special Forces, and Tribal Mobilization Forces, in addition to the supporting directorates of the Authority. The Army Aviation is also providing the necessary air support to ensure the success of the operation.

These operations aim to eliminate terrorist hideouts and cut off supply routes, in addition to enhancing security and stability in the liberated areas and tightening the noose on terrorist elements that threaten local security.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency