PM Shtayyeh welcomes Amnesty International’s report, calls on UN to provide protection for Palestinian people

Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh today welcomed the report issued by Amnesty International (AI) which charged Israel of being an apartheid regime and called on the United Nations to provide protection to the Palestinian people.

Shtayyeh described in a statement the AI report as “one of the most professional, credible, and transparent international human rights reports to be added to a series of international reports that warned against the practices and policies of discrimination, persecution and racism practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people wherever they are.”

He said, “the report’s reliance on other reports by international, Palestinian and Israeli human rights non-governmental organizations, the call for all countries to exercise their universal jurisdiction to bring the perpetrators of the crimes of apartheid to justice, and to demand that the International Criminal Court should consider the crime of apartheid in the investigation it is conducting in the occupied territories give the international organization’s report exceptional importance and places the United Nations, the European and African Unions, all countries, parliaments, and the media in the world before their responsibilities to expose the system of oppression and domination imposed by Israel on the Palestinian people, which the Amnesty International report confirmed is an apartheid regime and a crime against humanity as defined in the Rome Statute and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Apartheid.”

Shtayyeh also considered the report as “a new victory for the just cause of the Palestinian people, and justice for the victims of the Israeli apartheid policy, who have been and are still being subjected to murder, house demolitions, property appropriation, settlement expansion, robbery of their water and resources, and all the resources of the Palestinian people.”

The Prime Minister called on the countries that support Israel to stop their support for the apartheid state and to impose sanctions against it similar to those imposed on the apartheid state in South Africa.

He also expressed his support for the Secretary-General of Amnesty International, Agnes Callamard, against the campaign against it by Israel to question her role and the credibility and impartiality of her report.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency