Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prime Minister Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Rahwi discussed on Wednesday with the Governor of Socotra Archipelago Hashem Al-Socotri, the humanitarian and living conditions suffered by the Socotra citizen as a result of the Saudi-Emirati occupation of the archipelago.

The meeting touched on the military and security developments in the archipelago and the role of the local authority in confronting the occupation and hostile actions of the Saudi-Emirati occupiers, including their tampering with the unique natural environment of Socotra.

The Prime Minister stressed that the occupation will inevitably come to an end, pointing out the great responsibility on the shoulders of the people of the archipelago to resist the occupier and not surrender to his plan aimed at changing the demographic reality of the archipelago.

He pointed out the strategic and military importance of the island, which controls the maritime navigation routes in the Arabian Sea and Bab al-Mandab, in addition to its natural and marine resources.

: Yemen News Agency