Planning Minister, EU Ambassador chair Jordan-EU Investment Platform meeting

Amman: Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Zeina Toukan and the European Union Ambassador to Jordan, Pierre-Christophe Chatzisavas chaired a meeting of the Jordan-Europe Investment Platform.

According to the ministry’s website on Monday, the meeting was attended by representatives of European funding institutions (German Development Bank, European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, French Development Agency, and Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation) and EU member states, in addition to representatives from relevant Jordanian sectoral ministries and high-level officials from the European Commission in Brussels and the EU Delegation in Amman.

Toukan lauded the distinguished relations between Jordan and the EU, and the importance of the financial and technical support provided by the EU to Jordan to implement programs and projects in many priority sectors and support the public budget, especially since the EU is considered a key donor to Jordan

The Minister of Planning highlighted the importance of the platform in providing an opportunity for dialogue with the EU and European financial institutions on ways to provide support through the various tools and windows available from the European side in the form of concessional financing mixed with grants, as well as financing guarantees and technical support to finance priorities, programs and development projects within the framework of the economic modernization vision and its executive program, including capital projects and PPP projects, especially projects with great opportunities and potential for cooperation such as green energy, green hydrogen, transportation, water and irrigation, education, and health.

She emphasized the importance of providing blended financing from these institutions and their various financing windows to reduce the cost of implementing capital projects in light of the high cost of borrowing globally.

Source: Jordan News Agency