Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Parliament condemned in the strongest terms the US-British aggression to launch a series of raids on Sana’a city and the governorates of Sana’a, Taiz and Hodeida, which led to the death of 16 and the injury of 41 civilians.

In a statement, the Council pointed out that the aggression raids targeted civilian sites such as the Hodeidah Radio building in front of Al-Thawra Hospital and the Coast Guard in the port of Salif, bringing the total number of martyrs and wounded as a result of those raids to 58 martyrs and wounded, in addition to damaging a number of buildings and commercial ships in the port.

The Council considered the targeting of civilian objects a flagrant violation of international laws and Yemeni sovereignty and a war crime that does not have a statute of limitations.

He denounced the continued Arab silence towards the Zionist, American, British arrogance and the systematic targeting of the capabilities of the Yemeni and Palestinian peoples and the peoples of the region. He stressed the rig
ht of the Yemeni people and their armed forces to respond to these crimes committed by the US-British aggression by targeting civilian objects and the country’s resources, and to continue to support the Palestinian people.

The Council blessed the response of the Yemeni armed forces by targeting the US aircraft carrier “Eisenhower” in the Red Sea, with appropriate weapons.

He called for strengthening national unity to confront the imminent dangers. They urged everyone to be vigilant to confront all sources of threat in Bab al-Mandab, the Red Sea and the Arab Sea.

He also called on the heads and members of the Arab and Islamic parliaments, the United Nations and the UN Security Council to condemn the Zionist-American-British arrogance, put an end to the ongoing crimes, aggressions and violations against the Yemeni people and the peoples of the region, and stop the policy of turning a blind eye and selective implementation of international law.

The Council reiterated that these crimes committed by the US-Bri
tish aggression will not discourage the Yemeni people and their armed forces from performing their religious, moral and humanitarian duty to defend their sovereignty and fulfil their obligations towards what the Palestinian people are subjected to until the aggression is stopped and the siege on the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

Source: Yemen News Agency