Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on the UN Security Council to implement its resolutions to immediately cease fire, withdraw Israeli occupation forces from Gaza, and implement the recommendations of the International Court of Justice.

Mahmoud Abbas stressed in a speech today in the Turkish Parliament in the capital Ankara, in a special session on Palestine in the presence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government Ministers and all Turkish parties, that the State of Palestine has jurisdiction over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with Al-Quds as its eternal capital, and that “the Palestinian people, with all its components, will not accept Israel occupying a single inch of Gaza or the West Bank.”

Abbas announced his intention to head with all members of the Palestinian leadership to the Gaza Strip in order to stop the Israeli war, and said: “I announce before you and before the world that I have decided to head with the Palestinian leadership to the Gaza Strip.”

The Palestinian
President called on the leaders of Arab and Islamic countries, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and friendly countries to participate in the visit to the Gaza Strip to stop the Israeli aggression, and he also called on “the UN Security Council to secure their arrival to Gaza, and their next destination will be Al-Quds, our eternal capital.”

Mahmoud Abbas stressed that the Palestinian people are not only defending their identity and rights, but they are also standing in the front line in defense of the Islamic nation in the face of the Israeli expansionist project, stressing that “the steadfast and patient Palestinian people will achieve independence and freedom, sooner or later, and the occupation will end.”

The Palestinian President denounced the United States’ position in support of Israel’s aggression and its use of the veto power several times in the Security Council against the world’s demand to stop the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, “despite Israel’s starvation, killing and destruction tha
t it has carried out against our people and targeting humanitarian organizations.”

The Palestinian President expressed his thanks to Turkey, its president and its people for their continued support for the Palestinian people, and for providing humanitarian and relief aid to the people of Gaza and receiving Palestinian patients and wounded in its hospitals.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency