Palestinian Central Council suspends recognition of Israel until it recognizes State of Palestine

The Palestinian Central Council (PCC) affirmed today evening the suspension of the recognition of the State of Israel until it recognizes the State of Palestine on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and halts settlement activity, and affirmed the cessation of security coordination in all its forms.

In its final statement, the Council stressed that the State of Palestine alone has sovereignty over the Palestinian land on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital and that the presence of the occupation, its army, and settlers on the land of the State of Palestine is an illegal presence that should be ended immediately, and international protection for the Palestinian people should be provided in order to allow them to exercise their full sovereignty.

The Council assigned the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization to reformulate the institutions of the Palestinian Authority in line with the embodiment of the sovereignty of the State of Palestine on its land.

The council also stressed the need to define practical pillars to continue the process of transition from the stage of authority to the stage of a sovereign state, rejecting the economic peace project, the conflict reduction plan, and confidence-building measures proposed by Israel as an alternative to permanent and just peace by establishing a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, stopping colonial settlement and swallowing up the land of the Palestinian state.

It also called on the US administration to implement what President Joe Biden said about his administration’s commitment to the two-state solution, halting Israeli settlement expansion and the policy of forced expulsion of Palestinians from neighborhoods of Jerusalem, preserving the historical situation in al-Aqsa Mosque and its yards, stopping Israeli violations of Islamic and Christian sanctities, and emphasizing the cessation of unilateral actions and the reopening the US consulate in East Jerusalem, reopening the PLO representative office in Washington, as well as refusing to keep President Biden’s pledges theoretical without implementation.

The Council called for urgent international action that begins with the meeting of the Quartet at the ministerial level and the issuance of a statement confirming the two-state solution and the illegality of settlements and its immediate cessation, rejecting all unilateral practices and ending the Israeli occupation of the land of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, and demanding the countries of the world – which are keen on the two-state solution and have not yet recognized the State of Palestine – to recognize it.

The Council affirmed the illegality of colonial settlement and the necessity of an immediate halt to the construction and expansion of settlements, the annexation wall, the forced displacement of the Palestinian population, and the demolition of their homes, demanding the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities towards implementing Security Council Resolution 2334 of 2016 and the Fourth Geneva Accords, reaffirming support for the international boycott movement (BDS) to boycott the occupying state.

The Council praised the struggle and steadfastness of the Palestinian people in East Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the State of Palestine, stressing the continuation of work to support their steadfastness, support for national institutions there, protect our Christian and Islamic sanctities, and thwart the policy of ethnic cleansing carried out by the occupying power, Israel.

The council also affirmed the unification of the political and national references under one reference led by the Jerusalem Affairs Department in the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, providing the capabilities and credits that the city needs, and working to urge Arab and Islamic countries to fulfill their obligations towards Jerusalem.

It stressed the continuation of work on the unity of our land and people, ending the national division, and forming a government of national unity, in which the participating forces are committed to international legitimacy and the national program represented in the declaration of independence in 1988 in line with the National Accord Document signed in 2006.

The Council also expressed its high appreciation for Egypt for following up on the achievement of national reconciliation and its efforts to end the division.

The Council also affirmed the holding of the presidential, legislative, and National Assembly elections and breaking the Israeli veto on holding them in East Jerusalem, the capital of the Palestinian state, and holding the local government elections in their second phase and calling on Hamas Movement not to put obstacles in the way of holding them in the Gaza Strip, and the same applies to the elections for unions, federations, and universities according to the law.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency