Palestine Solidarity Campaign welcomes Amnesty International report on apartheid Israel

LONDON, Friday, Palestine Solidarity Campaign Tuesday Amnesty International’s extraordinary report, which labels Israel an ‘apartheid state’.

The London-based civil society organization, which campaigns against Israel’s flouting of international law, the continued military occupation of Palestine and systematic discrimination against Palestinians, welcomed in a press statement AI’s landmark report asserting Israeli apartheid is a “system of domination and a crime against humanity” practiced in the OPT, Israel and against Palestinian refugees.

“After four years of research, Amnesty International, the world’s leading human rights organisation, has today released a 280 page report detailing “Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity” for which ”Israeli authorities must be held accountable,” PSC said in the press statement.

“Amnesty’s report is comprehensive, forensic and devastating in its conclusions. Its release means that the world’s two leading human rights monitoring organisations, and Israel’s own leading human rights organisation have all now affirmed what Palestinian civil society has been asserting for decades. That Israel is guilty of apartheid, a crime against humanity. Those who continue to treat Israel as a normal functioning democracy, and to shield it from accountability for its crimes are complicit in the crime of apartheid and on the wrong side of history,” PSC Director, Ben Jamal, said.

“PSC welcomes the recommendations that Amnesty outlines – including targeted sanctions, an arms embargo, an investigation by the International Criminal Court, the exercise of universal jurisdiction, the right of return of refugees and the granting of equal rights to everyone living under Israeli jurisdiction – and calls on the UK government to take immediate action, including ending the two-way arms trade with Israel,” he added.

Meanwhile, PSC has posted an online appeal urging its members to draw the attention of UK parliament members to the report and demand them take action.

“The evidence is overwhelming, and Israel is only able to sustain its system of apartheid with the complicity of external actors including our Government. Our message is clear – those who continue to treat Israel as a normal democracy and shield it from accountability are on the wrong side of history.”

Source: Palestinian News & Information News Agency