Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Independent Kurdish politician, Mahmoud Othman warned of Iraq slipping into the ongoing escalation in the Middle East.

Othman said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: “The participation of the Iraqi armed factions in striking American interests in Iraq, the region and the Zionist areas will have influential consequences on Iraq in all aspects, especially economic and security, calling for not being dragged into the escalation between Iran and the Zionist entity.

Othman praised the steps of the Prime Minister in not allowing the striking of American interests in Iraq, the latest of which was the arrest of a number of those accused of striking Ain al-Assad base, where the international coalition forces are located.

Othman called on the government to control the weapons of the parties and the loose weapons so that Iraq does not have multiple poles and governments, i.e. each party has its own army, and this weakens the government and affects the future of the country.

Source: National
Iraqi News Agency