Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The Board of Directors of the Yemeni Olympic Committee approved, in its meeting today, headed by the Chairman of the Committee, Abdulrahman Al-Akwa’a, addressing the sports federations and concerned parties to express their opinions on the draft amendments to the bylaws, and the possibility of continuing to discuss the amendments or postponing them.

The meeting approved the opinion of the Legal Committee not to accept the membership of any new sports federations in the Olympic Committee, in addition to approving the regulations of the Technical Committee with some amendments to them.

It also approved presenting the draft regulations of the Advisory Committee to the committee itself to put its observations and proposals, and referring the complaint submitted by some members of the Board of Directors of the Yemeni Chess Federation to the President of the Federation to respond to what was stated in the complaint.

During the meeting, the reports of participation in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the meeting of
the Asian Olympic Council, and the Olympic Solidarity Forum were approved.

Source: Yemen News Agency