Nursery of Yafeia in Jahana celebrated inauguration of harvest for various crops

Today, Sana’a Governor Abdul Basit Al-Hadi inaugurated the summer season harvest of wheat, barley, and “lentils” at the Yafeiya nursery in the Jahana district.

During the inauguration, Governor Al-Hadi stressed the importance of a serious approach towards agriculture, exploiting Yemen’s resources for the benefit of its people, and actively contributing to the success of the agricultural revolution and achieving self-sufficiency.

He pointed to the importance of coordination between the agricultural sector, the Agricultural Initiatives and Projects Financing Unit, and the Sector Association to exploit the nursery in the production of seedlings and seeds needed by the surrounding areas, as well as the study of seeds suitable for planting according to the climate for each region.

The Governor praised the efforts of the agricultural sector in the governorate and the sector association and their keenness to preserve the nursery and exploit it for the benefit of the region’s farmers in producing various grain se
eds, and their contribution to achieving food security. He urged the trend towards reclamation and cultivation of solid lands in the implementation of the directives of the Leader of the Revolution and the President of the Political Council within the framework of attention to agriculture to reach self-sufficiency.

He stressed the readiness of the provincial leadership to support all efforts aimed at developing and advancing the agricultural sector, in a way that contributes to meeting the needs of farmers and caring for them.

The official of the agricultural sector in the governorate, Engineer Ali Al-Qairi, explained that the nursery, which has a total area of 500 bricks, was handed over to the Eastern Sector Association to implement various agricultural activities from the production of various types of seedlings, seeds and studying new types of seeds commensurate with the nature and geography of the sector’s directorates.

He pointed out that the work in the nursery has been suspended since 2008 as a res
ult of some difficulties that have been overcome and handed over to the sector association in order to rehabilitate it and benefit from it in supporting the agricultural sector in the directorates of the sector, pointing out that it is considered a central nursery for these directorates in the production of various types of seedlings and seeds.

In turn, the head of the Eastern Sector Multipurpose Agricultural Cooperative Society, Abdul Razzaq Al-Makhrafi, explained that more than 400 bricks were planted with wheat, barley, and elderberry crops for this season, stressing the success of the season, which culminated today with the launch of its harvest, which is considered a good start for agricultural development in the region.

Source: Yemen News Agency