Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

RAMALLAH– The three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today highlighted the Arab Summit that kicks off in Algiers today in the presence of President Mahmoud Abbas, who arrived in the Algerian capital yesterday, as well as the ongoing Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida daily quoted Presidential Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh saying that the Algiers Summit carries a clear message to everyone.

Al-Ayyam daily quoted the Algerian president saying that the Palestinian cause is the most important one.

The third daily, al-Quds, reported as well on the summit, but made the settlement expansion its main front-page story and said that Israel plans to expand Eli settlement after seizing over 600 dunums of Palestinian land from several northern West Bank villages.

It said that at the same time, land was razed to build a settlement outpost and trees were uprooted.

The other two dailies also reported on the settlement construction as well as the raids, confrontations and demolitions in the Hebron area.

Al-Quds quoted the only Jewish member of an Arab party, lawmaker Ofer Katsif, saying that Palestinian operations against settlements are not terrorism.

It also said the Israeli High Court rejected an appeal to release the cancer patient prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid.

Al-Ayyam said the Palestinian government decided to provide financial and health aid to the cities of Nablus and Jenin and area communities hardest hit by the latest Israeli siege and measures.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida said the cabinet also approved the framework agreement on the Gaza Marine gas field.

It said the United Nations adopted a resolution calling on Israel to get rid of its nuclear weapons and Foreign Minister Riyad Malki welcomed it.

The Israeli elections that are being held today were also reported on the front page of the dailies and al-Ayyam said in a report that the Palestinians do not pin any hope on those elections.

The dailies also reported on the victory of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in the Brazilian elections defeating the incumbent Jair Bolsonaro.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency