Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

RAMALLAH: Israel’s war of genocide and starvation in the Gaza Strip was highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today.

Al-Ayyam daily said in its front-page main story that 300 people were killed and 800 others were wounded on the 75th day of the ongoing Israeli airstrikes and artillery shelling on the Gaza Strip.

It quoted the fighters in Gaza saying that they killed 25 Israeli soldiers and destroyed 41 military vehicles in the last 72 hours, while the Palestinians reported 20,000 killed in the indiscriminate Israeli bombardment of Gaza, including 8000 children.

Al-Quds daily highlighted the starvation in Gaza due to the strict Israeli blockade that does not allow entry of humanitarian supplies into the devastated Gaza Strip.

‘One meal every 24 hours in the best situation,’ said the front-page story headline. ‘The people are starving and no supplies due to the war.’

It quoted the World Health Organization sounding alarm about the spread of disease and real cases o
f starvation in Gaza and quoted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying he will not stop the war.

The third daily, al-Hayat al-Jadida, had a picture on the top half of its front page of a child wounded in the Israeli bombardment of Gaza and printed the words: ‘What kind of war is this!!,’ on the picture.

Going into the West Bank, the dailies said two Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army in Husan, near Bethlehem, and near Hebron,

Al-Quds also said two children, 14 and 17 years of age, were killed in Jenin in a mysterious explosion as they were riding a bicycle in what the father of one of the children said they heard an explosion as an Israeli aircraft was in the air which makes him believe that they were killed in an Israeli strike.

Al-Quds also said Israel plans to build 9000 new settlement units in Jerusalem, some of them near Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus in occupied East Jerusalem.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida said President Mahmoud Abbas received a French parliamentary delegation.

It sai
d President Abbas underwent routine medical checkups at the Istishari Hospital in Ramallah.

Al-Ayyam said intensive negotiations are underway for a truce in Gaza and exchange of prisoners.

It said the Israeli occupation authorities demolished homes, uprooted trees, and leveled large areas of land in the West Bank.
Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA