Newspapers Review: Death of a child wounded by the Israeli army and situation in Shufat camp focus of dailies

RAMALLAH– The death of 12-year-old Mahmoud Samoudi, who was shot and critically wounded by Israeli soldiers at the end of last month during a raid of Jenin, and the fourth day of the Israeli army siege on Shufat refugee camp and neighboring areas were highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today.

“A child martyr from Yamoun and the occupation continues its siege of Shufat camp and Anata,” said the main front-page headline in al-Quds daily.

“Fierce clashes in Anata and Shufat camp as the occupation continues with the siege and suppression,” said al-Ayyam daily in its main front-page story headline.

The third daily, al-Hayat al-Jadida, had a more or less similar headline for its main front-page story and added to it that settlers attacked residents in Hebron and farmers west of Salfit, and held provocative marches in occupied Jerusalem.

The paper also said the United Kingdom, following the death of Mahmoud Samoudi from wounds he received during an Israeli incursion into Jenin camp last month, has called on the Israeli authorities “to conduct a swift and thorough investigation and for restraint in the use of live ammunition.”

It also said Jerusalem churches have called on the British prime minister not to heed calls by the Conservative Friends of Israel and move the UK embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The burning of copies of the Muslim holy book, the Quran, by Jewish settlers in the occupied city of Hebron also received front-page coverage in the three dailies.

Al-Quds said that officials have strongly condemned the burning and tearing up of copies of the Quran in Hebron and warned of an explosion in the situation as a result.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida said Jewish fanatic groups have called on their followers to collectively read from the Torah after storming the Muslim holy place in Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Al-Quds said that the intra-Palestinian reconciliation talks resume today in Algeria with the participation of 14 factions.

The dailies also reported on the recent situation in the war in Ukraine.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency