Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Clashes between Palestinian civilians and Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank as well as the demolition of Palestinian-owned structures in the governorates of Hebron and Jericho were highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today.

Also highlighted on the front page was the visit of a delegation of European diplomats to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and the meeting with officials in charge of the Muslim holy place.

Al-Quds daily also highlighted the Israeli High Court’s ruling canceling the appointment of Shas leader Arieh Deri as minister of interior in the far-right Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu due to his previous criminal record.

It quoted the US ambassador to Israel saying his country does not support annexing West Bank territory nor expansion of settlements, which weakens the two-state solution.

Al-Ayyam daily, which made the clashes in Nablus and the demolitions its main front-page story, said US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan starts talks in Israel in an effort to reach an understanding of the policies of the Netanyahu government.

It said Israel postponed discussion of a settlement plan in occupied Jerusalem on the eve of Sullivan’s visit.

It quoted the UN Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland telling a Security Council session on the Middle East that Israel refused to issue 300 visas for UN staff.

Al-Quds said the Armenian church celebrated yesterday Christmas Eve in Bethlehem.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida daily quoted Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh saying at a reception held in Bethlehem on the occasion of the Armenian Christmas that Muslim and Christian Palestinians are facing the same fate and live the same circumstances.

The newspaper highlighted the expected release of Maher Younis after 40 years behind Israeli bars. (Younis was released today.)

It quoted the Chinese ambassador to the UN warning at the Security Council session that the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories is like a volcano about to explode.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency