Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants condemned the Eritrean authorities’ continued violation of the 1998 and 1999 ruling of the International Arbitration Tribunal that regulated the traditional fishing process between the two neighboring countries Yemen and Eritrea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants expressed in a statement, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), its condemnation of Asmara’s continued practice of violations against Yemeni fishermen by arbitrarily arresting them in inhumane conditions for long periods, confiscating their boats and threatening their lives, the latest of which was on Thursday when the Eritrean naval forces shot and killed the fisherman Saeed Ali Abdo Ghaffari, inside Yemeni territorial waters.

The statement called on the State of Eritrea to respect the rights of neighbors and the ruling of the arbitral tribunal and urged it not to attack Yemeni fishermen while exercising their natural and historical right to t
raditional fishing, while clearly and explicitly affirming the Republic of Yemen’s retention of its legal and sovereign right to defend its citizens and their interests under international law and the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations.

Source: Yemen News Agency