Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Minister of Interior, Chairman of the Supreme Security Committee for Securing the Arbaeen Pilgrimage Abdul-Amir Al-Shammari inspected today the Land Forces Command, accompanied by a number of security leaders.

The ministry stated in a statement: “The minister held an expanded security conference, during which the security measures taken to secure the Arbaeen Pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) were presented.”

Al-Shammari also toured the eastern axis of the Ministry of Defense, represented by the units of the Ninth Armored Division from Umm Al-Hawa checkpoint to al-Salam Bridge, and was briefed on the most important duties within this sector during this important occasion.

The minister directed the smooth movement of visitors and preventing any congestion on the roads, stressing that all leaders be in the field with their units, stressing the importance of doubling efforts and cooperation with visitors and Husseini processions, and facilitating all procedures.

Source: National Iraqi News Agenc