Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

A pivotal meeting was held on Tuesday in the capital Sana’a, led by Minister of Economy, Industry, and Investment, Eng. Moeen al-Mahaqeri.

The meeting concentrated on the current status and future development plans for the Yemeni Company for the Manufacture and Trade of Medicines (Yedco), which operates under the ministry’s supervision.

Eng. al-Mahaqeri emphasized the government’s commitment to bolstering the local pharmaceutical industry.

He highlighted the strategic importance of this sector in reducing reliance on imports and achieving self-sufficiency and drug security.

The Minister called for enhanced performance and teamwork within Yedco, stressing the government’s readiness to address and resolve any obstacles impeding the company’s operations.

The meeting underscored the necessity of adapting to market competition and improving manufacturing practices.

Eng. al-Mahaqeri also noted the advantages and facilities available to Yedco, particularly with the anticipated new investment law which is expec
ted to provide significant support and incentives for national investments in key sectors such as food, medicine, and clothing.

Dr. Mohamed al-Tahami, Chairman of Yedco’s Board of Directors, presented a comprehensive report on the company’s current activities and production capabilities.

He highlighted that the company’s factories are now producing 58 different items adhering to good manufacturing practices.

These products are aimed at partially fulfilling local market needs, with future plans including the production of medicines for chronic diseases and cancer.

Dr. al-Tahami expressed the company’s readiness to intensify efforts in enhancing its production and marketing capabilities.

He also conveyed appreciation for the Minister’s support and the backing of the Ministry in advancing the company’s objectives and strategies.

Source: Yemen News Agency