Meeting in Hajjah within national campaign framework to support Al-Aqsa

A meeting was held today ,Tuesday, in Hajjah province, headed by Governor Hilal Al-Sufi, within national campaign framework to support Al-Aqsa and support the valiant resistance.

The meeting, which included the directors of the Security and Intelligence Service branch, Brigadier General Adel Al-Lahaji, the engineering unit, Engineer Abdullah Al-Haddad, and social figures, reviewed the level of interaction of the people of the Sayyed Harba area in the province center with the national campaign to support Al-Aqsa.

The meeting affirmed full readiness to provide what is dear and precious as a victory for the Palestinians, in support of the valiant resistance in Gaza, and in defense of land, honor, and national sovereignty.

In the meeting, Hajjah Governor stressed the importance of activating the training, and mobilization councils in support the Palestinians and victory for Al-Aqsa, pointing to the developments of the current stage and the importance of preparing to confront the American-Zionist enemy, the tr
ue enemy of the Islamic nation.

He urged everyone to feel responsible and not to fail in carrying out their religious, moral and faith duty in confronting the Zionist-American enemy.

Source: Yemen News Agency