Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Al-Jawf Province witnessed massive public marches to confirm the principled position in supporting the Palestinians, under the slogan “With Gaza and Al-Aqsa.. Jihad and steadfastness until victory”.

The participants in the marches in the squares of Al-Hazm, Al-Maton, Wadi Sarira and Al-Matma Center, Al-Uqdah and Al-Zaher Center, the Southern Square and Rajuza Center and Al-Marashi, Al-Humaydat, Al-Waghrah, Al-Husun, the city center and West Al-Anan, Mallaha and Al-Masloub Center and Al-Ghail, Al-Khalq, Al-Sallal, Naaman in Al-Humaydat, Souq Al-Daam in Al-Zaher, Al-Yatima, Rahob, Ifi in Al-Anan, and the Martyrs Square in Al-Marana in Al-Marashi, confirmed their full readiness and preparedness to confront the Zionist-American enemy.

A statement issued by the marches stressed the continuation of this great and honorable position with all strength , by all possible means and methods, through military operations that humiliate the enemies, through various official , popular activities and events, through mobili
zation, financial donations, and economic boycott of the enemies, regardless of the challenges and sacrifices, until the promised victory.

It renewed the emphasis on supporting the factions of jihad and resistance axis to continue supporting the Palestinians and the earth-shattering response to this criminal enemy, a response that heals the hearts of a people of believers and shames the infidels and hypocrites.

It addressed the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation, saying, “The oppressed Muslim Palestinian people are part of you, and Gaza is a test of your religion and a measure of your humanity. Your silence is negligence and your failure is betrayal. Where is your Islamic brotherhood?” .

The statement called on the mujahideen in Al-Quds axis and the resistance to strike God and humanity enemies. It said, “Fight them, for there is no hope after God except in you, and no bet except on you. You are the only hope left for this nation when all the tyrants of the earth and the evils of the world have ganged
up on it, and many of its sons have failed to support it.”

Source: Yemen News Agency