Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The districts of Damt, Jaban, Qataba, and Al-Hasha in Al-Dhale’ province witnessed today, Friday, massive marches affirming the continued mobilization and solidarity with the Palestinians, under the slogan ‘With Gaza, holy jihad AND no red lines.’

In the march that was held in Damt District, in the presence of the governor’s two deputies, Sadiq Al-Idrissi , Hussein Al-Madhaji, executive, military, security leaders, the crowds raised the Palestinian flag and chanted slogans against the American, British, and Zionist enemy.

Participants in the marches affirmed the continuation of escalation against the American-British Zionist entity in support of the Palestinians, stressing continued support and support for all options taken by the revolution leader .

A statement issued by the marches saluted the legendary steadfastness of the Palestinians and their dear Mujahideen, which thwarted the enemy’s plots… stressing that God is with them and that the Yemenis are with them and will meet escalation with escalatio

It blessed the specific operations of the armed forces in targeting warships and ships supporting the enemy entity and preventing them from passing through the Red , Arabian Seas and the Indian Ocean, as well as targeting the areas of the usurping enemy.

It declared his readiness to confront the aggression against Yemen, make sacrifices for the sake of victory for Al-Aqsa and Gaza, and support the valiant resistance.

The statement sent a message to the Arab leaders gathered in Manama stating, ‘The Zionist enemy has committed more than three thousand and 185 massacres, and one massacre was enough to push you to allow your people to go out and support the Palestinian people, as well as to fight with the Palestinians against the Israeli enemy, which is your duty.’

The statement renewed the call to the peoples of the Arab , Islamic nation and all free people of the world to boycott American , Israeli goods and products and companies that support the Zionists, and to raise awareness of the importance of thi
s weapon as one of the forms of solidarity with the Palestinians.

Source: Yemen News Agency