Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Ibb Province witnessed today,Friday, a massive public march under the slogan, ‘With Gaza… stability of the position and continuity of jihad,’ continuing to support , support the people and the Palestinian resistance.

The participants in the march, which was led by the province’s general mobilization official, Abdel Fattah Ghallab, and a number of members of the Parliament , the Shura Council, and the province’s representatives, chanted slogans denouncing the massacres and crimes of genocide committed by the Zionist enemy against civilians, cutting off humanitarian supplies, imposing forced displacement, and targeting public and service facilities, houses, hospitals, medical teams, and mosques in… There was international silence.

A statement issued by the march saluted the steadfastness of the patient Mujahid Palestinians , the bravery and loftiness of their heroic mujahideen.

It denounced the decision of the International Criminal Court against three leaders of the Palestinian resistance, which was ba
sed on false lies , slander , weak, frivolous and baseless fabrications, while ignoring major crimes committed by dozens of the most prominent criminals of the Zionist-American enemy.

The statement, on behalf of the Yemeni people, expressed its deepest condolences and sincere sympathy to the leadership, government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the martyrdom of President Ibrahim Raisi , his companions, shared their sadness and pain over this affliction.

The march statement affirmed the continuation of the mobilization and general mobilization to the training , qualification camps for the general mobilization forces to acquire the skills and combat experiences required by the battle and to be fully prepared to engage in direct battle with the Zionist, American and Israeli enemy.

The statement reiterated the faith, moral and humanitarian call to all the peoples of the world and free people of humanity to activate the weapon of economic boycott of American , Israeli goods and the companies that
support them, as it is an effective and influential weapon against the enemy.

It renewed his emphasis on continuing to hold popular , official events , activities in support of the Palestinian people , in victory over their great oppression, expanding popular participation in marches and demonstrations to include all parts of Yemen.

Source: Yemen News Agency