Mass protests countrywide in solidarity with Palestine

Amman: Jordanians continued their protests in solidarity with Gaza and against the Israeli aggression that has taken thousands of innocent civilian lives there.

The marchers, who represented a range of Jordanian social groups, denounced the application of double standards by the international community regarding the Palestinian issue and urged it to take responsibility for stopping Israel from committing more crimes against innocent civilians in Gaza. They also emphasized the need to uphold international humanitarian law and international law.

They emphasized that they support the wise Hashemite leadership in assisting the Palestinian people, supporting their righteous cause, and regaining their rights, and they welcomed the efforts made and directed by His Majesty King Abdullah II, at all levels, to defend the Palestinian cause.

In Amman, after Friday prayer, a protest was started at the Grand Husseini Mosque in downtown Amman, in which the participants denounced the ongoing Israeli aggression against the
Palestinian people in Gaza.

Also after Friday prayers today, a protest stand was planned by Amman’s popular Sweifieh neighborhood activities to call for a stop to Israeli assault towards Gaza and the West Bank.

In Tafila, slogans calling for the defense of Gaza Strip population against Israeli aggression were heard as a march was started in front of the Tafila Grand Mosque in support of the people of the Gaza Strip and to denounce the barbaric Israeli onslaught against the Strip.
Source: Jordan News Agency